HTML Pre Element: A Complete Guide

Introduction The HTML <pre> (preformatted text) element is used to display text with preserved formatting, including spaces and line breaks. It is useful for displaying code snippets, ASCII art, or any text where the formatting needs to be retained exactly as written. Explanation/Description The <pre> element maintains the whitespace and line breaks within its content. […]

HTML Link Element: A Complete Guide

Introduction The HTML <link> element is used to define relationships between the current document and external resources. It is commonly used to link to stylesheets, but it can also specify other types of relationships such as icons, prefetching resources, and more. Explanation/Description The <link> element is placed within the <head> section of an HTML document […]

HTML Base Element: A Complete Guide

Introduction The HTML <base> element specifies a base URL for all relative URLs in a document. It is used to define a base path or URL that relative links and resources within the document will be resolved against, simplifying URL management and ensuring consistency. Explanation/Description The <base> element is placed inside the <head> section of […]